Select Availability Status in the Queue as a Coordinator
1. Toggle between status update buttons on your dashboard
- When on duty coordinators will receive notifications when patients are in the queue or the waiting room
- Modal alerts will pop up on your screen and ask you if you would like to join the encounter
- If you have any open encounters you will not be allowed to go on duty
2. Going on call
- When you go on call you will receive notifications via Email or SMS, depending on what your preferred notifications settings within your profile
- When patients are in the queue and there are no other coordinators on duty 'on call' coordinators will receive modal alerts
- Similarly to going on duty, if you have any open encounters you will not be allowed to go on call
3. Leave the queue when off duty
- Once you leave the queue, you will no longer receive notifications when there is a patient waiting to be seen
- Your status is set to Online until you log off of the portal
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