View Provider Coverage as a Coordinator

1. Go to the Provider Coverage Page From the Side Navigation Bar

Go to the Provider Coverage Page From the Side Navigation Bar,

1.1. Alternatively through the Top Navigation Bar

Or the Top Navigation Bar

2. Select a Client, Provider, and Patient

  1. Select the Employer to filter out providers within that client
  2. Select the Encounter Type the Provider should be able to complete. Selecting this will filter out providers that cannot assist or cover that specific encounter type
Select a Client, Provider, and Patient

3. View Provider Availability

  1. Select the Patient for this provider
  2. Choose the licensed in state
  3. Toggle from week or day view to get a better range of availability of appointment times (Screen shot has Day selected)
  4. Click on the availability day anywhere a blue range is visible
Create an Appointment

4. Create the Appointment

After selecting the date range

  1. Input the Reason for Visit or Chief Complaint
  2. Select the Encounter Type
  3. If this is a follow up or final you may select the Previous Claim
  4. Select the Visit Type
  5. *Skip this step if it is not visible to you* If it is visible, Select the Clinic Room (This is only visit if the client has a clinic room selected)
  6. Select Ok to create the appointment or Cancel to select another date and time

5. Appointment Created - Emails sent to both Provider and Patient email


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