Update My Profile as a Coordinator

1. Navigate to your Profile Page from the Side Navigation Bar

Go to the Profile Page from the Side Navigation Bar,

1.1. Alternatively through the Top Navigation Bar

Or the Top Navigation Bar,

2. Update Your Personal Information

Email and Date of Birth are important as this is used to change your password

Update Personal Information

3. Update Contact Information

You are not required to enter your mobile number, but you will not be able to receive any notifications by SMS

  • Phone Number is a Landline
  • Mobile Number is a Mobile phone
Update Contact Information

4. Select the Languages You Speak

You can select one or more languages

Select the Languages You Speak

5. Select Your Timezone

  1. Changing the timezone will refresh the page and any unsaved changes will be removed
  2. The SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page in each profile tab can be used to save changes made to other tabs
Select Your Timezone

6. Click on Submit to Save Changes

Save Changes

7. Upload Profile Images

Uploading a photo will refresh the page and any unsaved changes will be removed

Upload Profile Images

7.1. Select a Photo

Follow the steps native to your operating system when locating and selecting an image from your computer.

Select a Photo

7.2. Crop the Photo

The cropping area will always be in a circle shape.
To ensure that your picture is cropped well, make sure that your picture has some space around the focus of the picture

Crop the Photo

7.3. Stop the Upload (Optional)

Stop the Upload (Optional)


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