How to Use the Link2MD SystemProviderEncounters & AppointmentsCreate and Manage Encounter Notes During an Encounter

Create and Manage Encounter Notes During an Encounter

2. Create an Encounter Note

You can change the date and time that the encounter note was created by entering it in the Time field, by using the mm/dd/yyyy and hh:mm:ss 24h format. Check the Internal box to make the comment invisible to the patient.

3. Using K-phrase or Dot Phrases

  1. Enter a period as the first character in the notes section
  2. A drop down will appear and you can search for the phrase or select one from the menu
  3. The phrase will populate the Notes field and you can start replacing the required asterisk placeholders with patient date
  4. Click away to save the note with an automatic updated timestamp
Use a Dot Phrase

4. View an Encounter Note

All encounters that the current patient has will show in this list.
Use the filters to show notes for specific encounters.
Show Deleted will show all deleted notes.
Click on the COPY button to make a copy of the note.
Click on the DELETE button to remove an Encounter Note. Click on the VIEW SOAP NOTE button to view the Soap Note for any encounter listed.

Edit an Encounter Note


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