How to Use the Link2MD SystemProviderEncounters & AppointmentsCreate and Start an Encounter with a Patient Using My Link2MD Provider Portal

Create and Start an Encounter with a Patient Using My Link2MD Provider Portal

1. Go to the Create Encounter Page From the Top Navigation Bar

Go to the Create Encounter Page From the Top Navigation Bar,

1.1. Or the Side Navigation Bar

Or the Side Navigation Bar

1.2. Or Join an Encounter Already In Progress from the Side Navigation Bar

Alternatively, you can join an encounter already in progress or one that has been started by a coordinator, from the side navigation bar

Or Join an Encounter Already In Progress from the Side Navigation Bar,

1.3. Or by the Modal That Appears

This modal appears when you are on duty and there is either a patient in the queue waiting to be seen by a coordinator has created an encounter and selected you to  be the provider

Or by the Modal That Appears

2. Search for Patient

Search for Patient

3. Start the Encounter

From here, you can edit previous encounters that you have had with the patient selected and open a related encounter to an existing one by clicking on either the RELATED ENCOUNTER or EDIT button.

  1. Enter the chief complaint
  2. Select the type of encounter
  3. Select a previous claim, (Setting a Previous Claim links the encounter that you are creating to a claim)
  4. Select the encounter type for this patient case
  5. Start encounter
Start the Encounter

3.1. Licensing Alert

This modal will pop up when you aren't licensed in the patient's state

  • By clicking YES,  the encounter will still be created
  • By clicking NO, the encounter will not be created and you will be able to select a different patient
Licensing Alert

3.2. Join the Encounter

Join the Encounter

4. Acknowledge Recent Changes to Health History

We require you to be aware of any changes to the patients health history, to ensure safe and accurate medical diagnoses.

To view the changes made, click on the MANAGE HEALTH button to view their health forms.
Otherwise, click on the ACKNOWLEDGE button to go to the encounter.

Acknowledge Recent Changes to Health History

5. Change the Encounter Status

To accept the encounter for the provider, click on the ACCEPT button.
To end the encounter, click on the END ENCOUNTER button.
If you have made a mistake and want to cancel the encounter, or you want to cancel an appointment, click on the CANCEL button.
The DISMISS PATIENT button will allow you to end the video call when it has started.

Please see these articles for more information about encounters:

Change the Encounter Status


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