Search and Manage User Information Using My Provider Portal
1. Two ways to go to Manage Users Page from the Side Navigation Bar

1.1. or the Top Navigation Bar

2. Search for the User
- Input basic information to search a user, such as First and Last Name
- You may also find the user by entering in their User ID found from an encounter
- Click on Search when ready
Note: Not all boxes are necessary when searching a user. Select the best boxes that will find the user
The Client Identifier is the unique identifier that is set by the client administrator upon importing that user.
3. Use Last 5 Searches
Under the Last 5 Searches section is a list of the last five search criteria to easily research users

4. Open the User's Information

5. Update the User's Contact Information
- You may view the patients dashboard with information
- Enter or Edit patient information as well as selecting their 'Preferred Notification Method' whether it be by Email or SMS Text (Used for Appointment Reminders)
- You will not be able to see the patient's SSN/EIN (Social Security Number/Employer Identification Number) for security reasons, but you may still edit it and use the Is EIN? Check box is to indicate the type of number set
- Enter in their correct Primary Client
- Click on Submit or Cancel for any changes made
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