Prescribe Medication to a Patient Using DoseSpot as a Provider
1. Navigate to Search Users
- Click on My Practice
- Search Users
- Fill in the search fields. You may use the first 3 letters of their first name
- You may use first 3 letters of last name
- Click on Search
2. Click on the Patients' Profile
Confirm the date of birth and that there are no duplicates to choose a proper patient

3. Go to Prescribe Page

4. Create/Update DoseSpot record by Completing Patient Demographics and Red Asterisks
If you have not created a DoseSpot record, you are required to input the remaining red asterisk fields
If a record is already created, you may update the patient record
- Details: If there are demographics that you do not have, contact a coordinator to create the DoseSpot record
- Allergies: Input any allergies of the patient
- Pharmacies: Confirm the Pharmacy location for this patient
- Self-Reported Medications: Input any medications the patient is currently using
If this is not a controlled substance medication you may request a coordinator to create the prescription for you and you may jump to Step 10 to approve and send the medication.
6. DoseSpot
- DoseSpot will open in a new tab on your browser
- Select 'Add Prescription' at the top right
7. Search For a Medication
- Type the medication name in the search box
- Click on the desired medication
8. Confirm Medication Selected
- If you need to change the medication name click on 'Change'
- Click on the dosage text to change the appropriate amount
9. Enter the Prescription Information
- Enter in the Effective Date
- Fill in the fields, Example: Patient Directions, etc.
- Click on the Save Prescription button
The fields with red asterisks are required. Click on the + sign to Show Pharmacy Notes button to enter notes for the pharmacy.

10. Approve and Send the Prescription
- Check the box next to the medication (You can click on 'Select All' if the patient has multiple medications)
- If you need to edit or remove this medication, click on 'Actions'
- Click on the Approve and Send button
- Enter your four digit PIN if asked
11. The Prescription is Fulfilled
Note: This photo may be dated at the making of this how to, but should be similar in text.

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