Create a User Account Using My Provider Portal
1. Go to Manage Users Page From the Side Navigation Bar
A created user is typically handled by a medical coordinator, but a provider has the ability to create a patient in the portal

1.1. Or the Top Navigation Bar

2. Choose a User Role
As a doctor you are only allowed to create a Patient user account

3. Create the User
*Red asterisks indicate required fields.
- If you do not know the person's gender, you are not required to specify it when creating their account. This can be skipped.
- Click on the SAVE button to create the user.
- Click on the SAVE AND MANAGE button to edit the patient's billing, insurance, etc.
- Click on the SAVE AND START ENCOUNTER button to create the patient account and begin an appointment immediately.
- You can only use the SAVE AND MANAGE and SAVE AND START ENCOUNTER buttons if you are creating a patient. These type of encounters are called "On the Fly" in other words these are not scheduled appointments but intended for appointments starting now. Please schedule an appointment with the patient if the encounter will not happen right now.
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