Manage and Edit Client Information as a Client Administrator

1. Go to the Edit Client Page by using the side or top navigation bars

2. Input the Client or sub client name in the search area

Go to the Edit Client Page
  1. Clicking on the + and - button will expand or retract the client options
  2. Select EDIT CLIENT

4. Update Client Settings

Fields that are grayed out cannot be edited. If you need to make changes to those fields please send a request to [email protected]

Contact a link2md employee before making any type of change

  • Email Support, Support Link, Support Number, Contact Link, and the About Link fields can be customized so that the users in that client can access those pages under the support drop down in their portal
  • EMR URL field allows you to customize the link that the coordinators and providers have in the encounter room to a specified EMR
  • Select Patient Notice field allows you to set the message that appears for coordinators and providers when they select a patient for an encounter
  • Session Timeout field allows you to set the amount of time before a user gets logged out of their portal due to inactivity. The shortest amount of time that you can set it to is 5 minutes and the longest amount of time you can set it to is 120 minutes. The time entered must be in minutes

5. Update Client Contact

Update Client Contact

6. Update Billing Contact

Update Billing Contact

7. Update Insurance Contact

Update Insurance Contact

8. Update Preferred Pharmacy Contact

Update Claims Admin Contact

9. Update Client Workers' Compensation Information

Update Client Workers' Comp Information

10. Set Encounter Notification Emails

  • The email addresses that are entered here will be notified when an encounter is signed
  • You can add multiple emails by clicking the NEW button
  • Click on the X button to remove an email from the list
  • Click on SUBMIT when finished

11. Onboarding Requests


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