Create a User Account As an Answering Service Coordinator

1. Enter the Portal

  1. Enter Username and Password
  2. Click the LOG IN Button

If you want to be remembered by your browser, click the Remember Me check box.

Log In to the Kura Portal

You have two ways to get to this page, choose whichever works best for you

3. Create the User

Fill out the patient's demographics

  • Select User's Role - Patient
  • Red asterisks are required fields
  • User name format john.doe all lowercase with a period in between
  • Email is helpful for them to receive the invitation welcome email, if not given a mobile number is needed
  • Phone Number is a land line number (No messages or appointment reminders are sent to this number)
  • Mobile Number is a cell phone (You may copy paste this to the land line field to satisfy this required field)
  • Employer can be left as Link2MD if you are unsure or if the patient is Psych/Behavioral Health choose Link2 Telepsychiatry: Lorant Medical Group. All others can be asked of a coordinator
  • SSN may be entered as their last 4 digits if unable to retrieve their full
  • Please also set a date of birth. If not sure input 1/1/1981 as default
  • Include any other language such as Spanish if patient needs a translator
  • Save when finished!


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