Create a User Account As an Answering Service Coordinator
1. Enter the Portal
- Enter Username and Password
- Click the LOG IN Button
If you want to be remembered by your browser, click the Remember Me check box.
2. Navigate to Create A User
You have two ways to get to this page, choose whichever works best for you
3. Create the User
Fill out the patient's demographics
- Select User's Role - Patient
- Red asterisks are required fields
- User name format john.doe all lowercase with a period in between
- Email is helpful for them to receive the invitation welcome email, if not given a mobile number is needed
- Phone Number is a land line number (No messages or appointment reminders are sent to this number)
- Mobile Number is a cell phone (You may copy paste this to the land line field to satisfy this required field)
- Employer can be left as Link2MD if you are unsure or if the patient is Psych/Behavioral Health choose Link2 Telepsychiatry: Lorant Medical Group. All others can be asked of a coordinator
- SSN may be entered as their last 4 digits if unable to retrieve their full
- Please also set a date of birth. If not sure input 1/1/1981 as default
- Include any other language such as Spanish if patient needs a translator
- Save when finished!
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