How to Schedule an Appointment As an Answering Service Coordinator

1. Enter the Portal Website

  1. Enter Username and Password
  2. Click the LOG IN Button

If you want to be remembered by your browser, click the Remember Me check box in yellow.

Log In to the Kura Portal

2. Scheduling an Appointment

Navigate to Schedule Appointment

  • Select the appropriate provider
  • Select the created or existing patient (Confirm date of birth if any duplicates)
  • Choose the day and time slot by clicking on the calendar

TIPS! You may change the view by clicking Month, Week, or Day in the yellow box

Click on the date box and select a time for this patient, in this case we will be selecting 9:00 AM

3. Reason for your Visit

  1. Add the Chief Complaint or reason for the visit in the first box
  2. Select Encounter Type
  3. Select the claim if applicable, if not, choose None if not sure. (a coordinator can change this)
  4. Select whether it is New, Follow-up, or Transfer of Care (Not visible in this photo but will be available soon)
  • New means this a first patient visit
  • Follow up mean patient has been seen before and needs a continuation appointment
  • Transfer of Care is similar to that of a New patient but has medical documents that need to be reviewed by a provider prior to appointment time. In this case we would need to review documentation and approval before seeing this patient. This may be a less common process you as a receptionist will use
  • We currently do NOT use Final & Chart Review types at the moment, please ignore/disregard

4. Done!

If no changes are necessary, you are finished creating the appointment for this patient. Alert a coordinator via email so that they are aware to alert a provider.

5. Error Made: Moving, Changing, or Deleting the Appointment Time

  • Drag or move the light green time slot with the hand cursor to the appropriate time slot (In this case, 9AM to 11AM
  • A new appointment is typically scheduled for an hour to give time for the patient and provider (See step 6 on expanding or collapsing this duration)

6. Extending or Retracting the Appointment Time

  • An hour portion of time for the patient if this is a New/Initial Appointment is set to 1 Hour.
  • Sometimes a patient may need to download Zoom while on the phone with a Coordinator, extending the time needed to see a provider.
    If you would like to lower this amount, drag the white icon shown below and drag and drop and click on OK to confirm

7. Finished!


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