Create and Manage K-Phrases as a Nurse Case Manager

1. Select the K-Phrases page by using the Side Navigation Bar

Go to the K-Phrases Page From the Side Navigation Bar,

1.1. Or the Top Navigation Bar

Or the Top Navigation Bar

2. Add a K-Phrase

The K-Phrase Index section is where you will see all of the k-phrases that you can use for encounter notes

Add a K-Phrase

2.1. Add Content

  1. Phrase = Name of the K-Phrase
  • The phrase name must start with a period . This is a trigger to start a K-Phrase. Phrase names can include spaces and special characters

2.    Contents = Body of the command

  • Use free text placeholders for information that is bound to be different when the phrase is used for different encounters and patients 

3.     Template Replacements/Placeholders

  • Free text placeholders are declared by entering three asterisks (***)
  • You can also add replacement placeholders that will automatically populate with data (Example: @FNAME@ @LNAME@ to populate as the patient's full name)
  • The verbiage in between the two at symbols require a specific format.  See the screen shot below to see examples of replacement placeholders in use
Add Content

3. Manage K-Phrases

  1. Click on the EDIT button to make changes
  2. Remove a phrase by clicking on DELETE
Manage K-Phrases

Phrases with (global) next to the name means that the phrase is available to all providers in the system. As a Coordinator you will not be allowed to remove global k-phrases


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