View Provider Coverage as a Nurse Case Manager
1. Go to the Provider Coverage Page From the Side Navigation Bar
2. Select a Client, Provider, and Patient
- Select the Employer to filter out providers within that client
- Select the Encounter Type the Provider should be able to complete. Selecting this will filter out providers that cannot assist or cover that specific encounter type
3. View Provider Availability
- Select the Patient for this provider
- Choose the licensed in state
- Toggle from week or day view to get a better range of availability of appointment times (Screen shot has Day selected)
- Click on the availability day anywhere a blue range is visible
4. Create the Appointment
After selecting the date range
- Input the Reason for Visit or Chief Complaint
- Select the Encounter Type
- If this is a follow up or final you may select the Previous Claim
- Select the Visit Type
- *Skip this step if it is not visible to you* If it is visible, Select the Clinic Room (This is only visit if the client has a clinic room selected)
- Select Ok to create the appointment or Cancel to select another date and time
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